Yep, everyone is realizing the power of creating experiences!
Just over a year later, Musicland, of Minnetonka, Minn., has named Zimmerman Partners in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., to handle its account, with billings estimated at $50 million. The two companies are poised to execute the next step in a turnaround plan: makeovers for the 900 stores that Musicland runs under the Sam Goody, Media Play and Suncoast Motion Picture brands, which collectively sell CD's as well as entertainment products ranging from DVD's to movie posters to books.
The strategy envisions stores that embrace the Internet's role in music sales and emulate the loungelike atmosphere of chains like Barnes & Noble and Starbucks. (Emphasis mine)
"All retail organizations of any kind, in order to stay fresh in the eyes of the consumer, have to constantly be bringing innovation," said Eric Weisman, who was brought in last August as chief executive at Musicland to lead the turnaround.
The New York Times > Business > Media & Advertising > Advertising: Musicland Looks to the Internet