Here's an excellent article about what Maytag is doing in creating experiential marketing opportunities. And, even more importantly, check out what Ron Dorf says about the close rate. Upwards of 70%. That's the power of creating a relevant and engaging brand experience.
A consumer looking for a clothes washer does a load of laundry to see if an appliance lives up to its advertising claims. And a shopper considering a new oven tries one out by baking a batch of cookies.
At Maytag Corp. appliance stores opening across the country, consumers are trying the company's products before they buy them - taking the washer, dryer and oven equivalents of a test drive.
"In every other category, you can experience it before you put it in your house - your car, TV, stereo," said Ron Dorf, a Maytag dealer in Minnetonka, Minn. "How come appliances are such a mystery?"
Maytag plans to open another 60 stores by the end of the year and another 30 to 40 in 2005, said Rian Cain, head of business development. The stores also feature play areas for children where they can play or watch a video while their parents shop.
The first test site opened in 1998 in Des Moines, and lessons learned there were tested before focus groups in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Atlanta. Exit surveys found 84 percent of the customers were satisfied or completely satisfied with their shopping experience, Cain said.
More important for store owners like Dorf, customers frequently leave with a new appliance.
"Our close rate - that is, how many customers actually purchase that walk through the door - is running upward of 70 percent," he said.
HeraldNet: Try it before you buy it
Some additional links to this story can be found at:
In-Store Testing, A Recipe That Sells ( - Maytag stores let shoppers try before they buy.
Diva Marketing: Experiential Marketing - Test Drive A Stove.