Adrants is a new networking group of advertising people from around the world and this is a new thread started today. Amazing, isn't it -- over 200 definitions for experiential marketing!
Is there an exact definition? At the International Experiential Marketing Association, we've collected over 200 definitions from marketers around the world. I'd love to read this group's opinions on the subject. Furthermore, is it really necessary to come up with a solid definition? My gut reaction is that a clearly-defined explanation of XM will help sell a lot more experiential programs to brand managers that are anxious or unaware of the practice. But at the same time, I sort of like the amorphous nature of what constitutes an experiential marketing program. I tend to think that by demarcating the boundaries, we lose the tendency to go beyond them. What are your thoughts?
In short, I would suggest:
Holistic understanding of marketing. The realignement of the marketing fonction over the organisation. Everything becomes marketing. The experience.
Posted by: Julien Vallieres | January 14, 2005 at 08:37 AM
Hello, I've just desided to register here, so... hello everyone ! :)
Posted by: GiorgioViklo | February 18, 2009 at 02:26 PM