It took me a few times to actually see what was happening with this experience. It initially looked like a standard augmented reality experience when I realized that the virtual characters were actually moving the real objects. It was really wild to see! I think that I have some video of the Kobitos as well and I'll try to add it later this week.
Virtual creatures called "Kobito" interact with real objects and real people. Kobitos can be good playmates, because they are invisible sometimes and visible at other times. When they are invisible, and they move something in the real world, they generate a sense of wonder. Interaction with such a creature could be a new type of entertainment. Beyond entertainment, this technology could be very useful in daily life. Kobitos are intermediate between physical agents and imaginary agents, so they could act as agents between human beings and machines.Imaginary agents that live in computers can do many things automatically, but they exist only in digital machines. You have to turn on the computer and view the display. On the other hand, robots (physical agents) always exist. So you can ask them to do something whenever you want. But, they exist even when you don’t want, the same as a real partner.
Kobitos are a new type agent. Usually, Kobitos don’t bother you. Whenever you want to see them, you can see them through the Kobito window. The most important thing is that Kobitos work even when they are invisible.