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July 26, 2006


Rob Fields

I recently experienced the self-checkout in two stores. The first was in a Wal-Mart SuperStore in Monticello, NY. There it was really unwieldy because it only accepted cash as payment, which really inconveniences the customer. On the other hand, the folks who were waiting to pay had plenty of time to browse magazines and gum because the customer in the process of checking out would have to stop every so often and feed more money into the machine. It was surprising that Wal-Mart chose such a basic system, unless their shopper data showed that many of their patrons prefer to pay in cash.

The second was last week at a Farmer Jack’s in Southfield, just outside of Detroit. This unit was better because it accepted credit cards. I made a mistake and skipped past the “do you want cash back” screen. Fortunately, the checkout person was able to override that entry from her screen in the next aisle and I was able to get cash. This seems like a better system: Card/cash-enabled self-checkout with human backup. BTW, in this case, I was definitely fully focused on getting through all the steps, so there was no browsing of magazines. However, as people become more accustomed to the new system, I can imagine a scenario when impulse purchases return closer to pre-system levels.

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