Come on, is this guy kidding? Does he not remember Friendster or any of the other thousand social networking sites that have come & go after taking the world by storm? You might want to read my previous post Are Social Sites this Centuries Penny Press? to learn more about the cyclical nature of these sites. And look at what's happening over at Facebook now that they're trying to open to a wider audience.
A couple of years ago, maybe 2000 or so, I heard a presentation by the head of internet at Solomon Smith Barney tell the audience that they've told all of their clients to dump stocks in printed publications because in two years, no one would be reading newspapers. Sure, newspapers and magazines are down right now, but people still read them. And I'm guessin' that we'll read printed materials for a good, couple of years!
Looks like we're drinking the Kool Aid again!
MySpace, the social networking Web site, could be worth around $15 billion within three years, measured in terms of the value created for shareholders of parent company News Corp., a Wall Street media analyst forecast on Wednesday.RBC Capital analyst Jordan Rohan said he had come away from a meeting with Fox Interactive, the managers of MySpace, believing that "media investors may not fully appreciate what has already been done with MySpace or what may lie ahead."
"$15 billion in a few years? It is possible," Rohan wrote in a research note to clients.
Link: MySpace may be worth $15 billion.
Link: Facebook under major revolt - Scobleizer - Tech Geek Blogger.
it is possible, it could be the most efficient marketing tool ever created.
Posted by: The Guide to Getting More out OF LIfe | January 08, 2007 at 08:33 PM