Michael Gutenplan is a graduate of CMU and a very good friend of BEL and doing a great magic show this week in NYC. We're taking Sydney to see this week and wanted to encourage all of you to attend if you're in NYC as well! Here's a word from Michael:
Extraordinary Deceptions, my fantastic magic show is about to complete one week at Theatre Row. With the theater filling up every night I am proud to say that this show is my best yet. With lots of confetti, mind reading and general fun this show is soooo much fun!I encourage you all, if you can, to come see the show before we end on 12/30. More information can be found at www.bigapplemagic.com or on www.ticketcentral.com.
Other exciting news is that the show is being reviewed by Backstage- an industry newspaper and some others... I'll keep you up to date... we're keeping our fingers crossed that the Times runs a nice blurb next week in the listings section... and if rumor has it--- with a picture!
I hope to see you at a show and if not- happy holidays!