I've been reading about this commercial, but I saw it for the first time tonight and, holy smokers, what were they thinking??? It looks like hell. It's so obviously fake and doesn't really say anything new. For what they did, they could've just run an old commercial. I would have loved to sat in on the pitch meeting, just to see what the thinking was behind it. Was it being developed just for the cool factor of it or was there a real strategy here? For me, I would have enjoyed watching one of the original commercials with Orville. This one just didn't do it for me.
Holy smokes. This would suck even if it was a live actor. It's badness doesn't rely on the terrible computer graphics, it's only heightened by it.
Posted by: Todd W. | January 18, 2007 at 06:03 AM
Indeed! It's scarier than the Kenmore washer commercial with the clowns coming out!
They would have done better to either keep using the original ads, or take him from those ads and insert him into new situations.
This one, is it a person in a latex mask or a 3D imager?
Soo wrong!!
Posted by: Brandy | January 19, 2007 at 11:21 PM
We were watching Deep Impact on a HD channel from DirecTV. The commercial came on! I didn't even know the dude was dead. It was so horrible, maybe since we are watching HD, we backed the commercial up several times on the DVR and decided it was a cartoon character. Just did a search to see if we were right and I found your blog.
Somebody paid so much money they could not except failure. My god, please don't butcher someone's life or life work like this again!
The next person who tries this better get it right. I'll never buy their popcorn again.
Posted by: Wayne Wright | January 21, 2007 at 12:37 AM