I'm in the process of updating all of our 2007 predictions and thought that I would do one posting with just the headlines. Look for detailed posts sometime over the weekend. And please feel free to post your thoughts as well!
Prediction 1: Authenticity is the Key: Companies not acting in an authentic and honest way will be subject to the wrath of the newfound consumer voice.
Prediction 2: The Media Cycle Continues: Learn about and use the new tools, but always remember the cycle of media.
Prediction 3: Technology Continues to Engage: The use of emerging technologies will continue to accelerate in 2007 as we scramble to find new ways
to communicate to our audiences.
Prediction 4: The Advertising Backlash Grows: As the consumer becomes more empowered, expect to see additional litigation and regulation as people strike out against advertising and its continued encroachment into every aspect of our lives.
Prediction 5: Retail Grows in Importance: Retail spaces will become even more important as a connection point between the consumer and the brand.
Prediction 6: The Socialization of Place Continues: What happens when the social elements of things like myspace leave cyberspace and enter the physical world? Can and should brands use their physical space to help facilitate social interaction in the real world?
Prediction 7: You need to Etail Your Retail: If I can do it on your web site, I should be able to do it in your store.
Prediction 8: Everyone's a Critic: People like to critique you and today have no problem sharing their critiques with the whole world.
While of your predictions are compelling, I especially agree with #4 and #8. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised to both of them converge. At least for me, I get especially irritated when I see advertising from companies whos products or services suck! It just reminds me why I don't like them and furthers the intrusion of the advertising.
Posted by: Justin Foster | February 03, 2007 at 12:11 PM