We mentioned the idea of a Blog Book Tour to Rachelle Lacroix, who's handling blogs for Chocolates on the Pillow Aren't Enough: Reinventing The Customer Experience and they're very excited about putting one together.
We're looking for at least four other leading bloggers to take advantage of an opportunity to participate in a week long series of interviews with Jonathan Tisch, the book's author, Chairman of Loew's Hotels and owner of the New York Giants. If you're interested in participating, please e-mail me or Rachelle Lacroix and we can give you additional details. We don't have a schedule right now, so we have some flexibility on starting, but we'd like to get it together in the next couple of weeks.
The books been getting great reviews and Mr. Tisch certainly knows the role of experience. I'm sure that he'd bring a very interesting POV to the experience conversation!