While I was reading the piece on Webwalker, I remembered that they had some very nice things to say about the NewsBreaker Live game that we did for msnbc.com. Now that the tour is over, I’ll have to gather up all of the positive (and the very few not-so-positive, just to show I’m fair and balanced!) comments we received on the project. I think that by all measure, it was a great success and I don’t think it’ll be the last time we bring AudienceGames to the cinema!
Instead watching the cheesy slide show or lame trivia questions that normally bore one to tearsaat the beginning of a movie experience, this game aims to get people more involved by controlling the paddle in a game of breakout by the audience’s collective movement.
The game is basically a breakout style game where the audience sways back and forth to control the movement of the paddle. Each time brick is hit, a headline from MSNBC drops. The concept, technology and implementation were a partnership between The Experience Lab and SS K for their MSNBC client.
I love this idea on two levels: 1. The novelty of the concept makes it advertising worth participating in. 2. It ups the ante for a stale media environment (the pre-preview theatre experience) and gives people something to do and a way to have fun collectively.
Link: Webwalker -- Newsbreaker Live - The crowd is the joystick.