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October 26, 2007


Greg Andersen

A number of inaccurate quotes in this article. Most significantly, my view of the future. The thrust of my conversation was about creating brand engagement through utility...that is, brands creating services which are perceived as valuable to its audiences. Useful, not intrusive.

I, like you, am over the well-worn example of a world of unsolicited wireless messages bombarding you at every turn. In fact, every panel speaker was. I believe it was an example of where things could go.

The 't-shirt' quote is out of context, and an example of how applying technology to previously static things could create exciting new creative opportunities.

Thanks the chat. Best. Greg

David Polinchock


Thanks for correcting my post. As I said, I was surprised that someone from BBH would say something so "old fashioned," as you guys are usually known for being much hipper then most agencies. Like your point about creating brand engagement through utility -- wish more brands thought that way. If you're in NYC, come on by the Lab and we'll give you a tour!


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