Presenting tonight at the NY Ad Club program entitled Ideas for 2008. Five speakers tonight, including:
Don Reilley from Microsoft Games & Devices. First program was the Burger King program for Xbox. Next, they did a program with Doritos to do a UGC game contest, where people submitted game designs. Winner announced about 2 weeks ago. 2500+ submissions. Top five were done in prototype and then users voted on their best game. Next challenge is to move these successes to other Microsoft platforms. Doing some cool stuff! Ron Balanger, VP Agency Development for Yahoo. Five thoughts for 5 minutes. Search gets a facelift, not just text results anymore. Ads get smarter. Behaviorial targeting gets better. Social media space grabs more ad dollars. Search & social media data mined for insights. 2008 election will be won online. Emily Anne Skinner from Interesting approach to bringing freelance creative to the agency business. Their tag line is "worlds biggest creative department." Creatives upload their own ideas to either sell to a client that way or they can respond to a creative brief. Wow, they even have a standard pricing revenue model so creatives will know what their idea is worth. One thing that's cool is that they actually have a legal team making sure your ideas are protected.
Andy Monreid from Lotame. Can American companies figure out how to monetize foreign involvement. Are we going to continue using tools built 10 - 15 years ago to handle online advertising? Building what he calls verb targeting, targeting based on how they've used the sites, not their demographics. Also working on engagement targeting, not inventory.
All in all a good night with a series of provocative thoughts. If they post people's presentations online, I'll make sure to add a link to them.
Heading home to prep for a presentation & walking tour tomorrow for students from Montclair Statge University.