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January 15, 2008


Sun Microsystem

IBM and Sun Microsystems both make computer systems for the corporate world. By purchasing Sun, IBM would get a leg up in the global finance and telecommunications markets. Representatives from both sides have yet to comment as of this writing. Sun Microsystems is both information technology and software company, and been recognized since the 80s. They had become one of the biggest competitors with Microsoft for IT and corporate software and hardware. However, after the dot com bust in the early 2000s, Sun Microsystems has begun to struggle a bit. Instant payday loans aren't really going to help them, but they have entered negotiations with IBM for a buyout that's supposed to total around $6.5 billion. News of the talks has boosted Suns' stock on the market. It may be the best move for them to avoid staring down bankruptcy, which would be a disaster for a firm as large as Sun Microsystems.

Used Refurbished Laptops

One person said IBM also is likely to be examining closely Sun's 2004 agreement with Microsoft Corp., which settled a Sun lawsuit. Under that 10-year pact Microsoft paid Sun $700 million to resolve antitrust issues and $900 million to resolve patent issues. The companies also agreed on royalty payments to use each other's technology with Microsoft paying $350 million at that time. Sun agreed to make payments on the basis of technology used later.

electronic signature

good points here. another factor is a genuine accommodation of clients when they come in to your store.

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