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February 14, 2008


Kent Larsson

They are captive for sure. Any measure of recall? At the airport I am either hurrying to my gate, talking to an associate, on the phone, on the computer, reading or sleeping.I can't remember any ad I saw at Midway or Columbus airports last.Are we our own worst enemies?

Jonathan Salem Baskin

What a missed opportunity! Airports are places where people are literally starved for, we get so many new signs at Heathrow, and not one of them will tell us anything we need to know! If 'relevance' matters so desperately in the one-to-one online media experience, it certainly should matter when the messaging of one billboard is supposed to engage the consciousness of many passers-by. This announcement is yet another example of brand absolutism over the demands of reality...and yet it could be used to such benefit, both to businesses and information-starved travelers.

I've pondered it at bit at DIM BULB if you'd like to check it out:

Jonathan Salem Baskin

What a missed opportunity! Airports are places where people are literally starved for, we get so many new signs at Heathrow, and not one of them will tell us anything we need to know! If 'relevance' matters so desperately in the one-to-one online media experience, it certainly should matter when the messaging of one billboard is supposed to engage the consciousness of many passers-by. This announcement is yet another example of brand absolutism over the demands of reality...and yet it could be used to such benefit, both to businesses and information-starved travelers.

I've pondered it at bit at DIM BULB if you'd like to check it out:

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