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February 22, 2008


Kent Larsson

I have watched CNN's political coverage a bit lately and I am astounded by their whole format. Wolf Blitzer raid fire grating voice, everyone else talking at a speed as if they are paid by how many words they can get into a minute, with so many graphics showing on the screen that everything becomes meaningless, and to top it all a stupid line: "The best political team in America".
I can't figure out what audience they are targeting? Young, urban people on triple espressos?
It's just bad communication from beginning to end.

Kent Larsson

I have watched CNN's political coverage a bit lately and I am astounded by their whole format. Wolf Blitzer raid fire grating voice, everyone else talking at a speed as if they are paid by how many words they can get into a minute, with so many graphics showing on the screen that everything becomes meaningless, and to top it all a stupid line: "The best political team in America".
I can't figure out what audience they are targeting? Young, urban people on triple espressos?
It's just bad communication from beginning to end.

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