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August 05, 2008


Claire Kowarsky

Hi David,

Some of our team are also presenting at the EM Summit - our topic is 'Using brand experience to drive retail performance', and we are co-presenting with our client from Honda.

We look forward to meeting you there.

Also, while you are in Sydney perhaps you'd like to come and have some lunch and an chat at our Sydney office and meet our team? Let me know if you've got time before or after the conference.



Lee Parkinson

Hi David,
I'm also going to be there in Sydney as one of the speakers. It would be good to catch up and have a drink, dinner, whatever - I'm flying in from NZ.
We've had some 'distance contact' during the establishment days of the IXMA, so it's be good to meet face to face.
Go well, and travel safely

Lee Parkinson

Hi David,
I'm also going to be there in Sydney as one of the speakers. It would be good to catch up and have a drink, dinner, whatever - I'm flying in from NZ.
We've had some 'distance contact' during the establishment days of the IXMA, so it's be good to meet face to face.
Go well, and travel safely

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