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August 26, 2008


Thomas Stack

Hi David, thanks for taking your time to see us in May.

Great post with some very good questions! In Denmark we are struggling to find out if there is true value in the social media sites or if its mostly "hot air".

mack collier

Honestly to me, I don't really care about what falls under the 'social media' umbrella, and what doesn't. What I want to make sure that companies 'get' is WHY these tools, no matter what you call them, are important.

Like podcasting. You could make a case for it being social media, you could make a case that it's not. But the case I am interested in (from a consultant's POV) is can it help Client A grow itself? If it can, I want to explore using it as a tool to do just that. If it can't, then let's move down the list.

I always say it, but don't focus on the tools, focus on the connections that the tools help facilitate. What happens as a RESULT of social media is MUCH bigger and more important than blogs or Twitter or Friendfeed. Not even close.

Peter Kim

How can making money not be a company's primary objective? Monetization and direct marketing are not synonyms, but the purpose of marketing is to make money. If this is not true, please hook me up with a marketer that manages a P&L and got budget approved with this argument. (I would like to short the stock.)

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