In the 4 1/2 years that I've done this blog, I don't think I've ever used it to solicit something for me. Well, I did try to get an E90 from Nokia a while back, but sadly, I didn't get one. (Buy hey, I'd still like one if anyone from Nokia reads my blog!)
But I need a favor and thought I would reach out to my network and see if you can help me out. As you may have read, I'm heading to Sydney (the city) to speak at the Experiential Marketing Summit next month. They provide my travel but, for the first time, Sydney (the daughter) wants to go with me. She's dying to go to a city where, as she says, "There's so many things named after me!" I also have family there, an uncle I've never met, so I thought that would be cool for Sydney too! She really wants to take this trip with me and my family there is looking forward to meeting Sydney too.
So, I thought that I would put the word out on my network to see if anyone can help me. I'm looking to do some barter for one RT ticket on United (that's what I'm flying) so I can bring Sydney with me. I can trade consulting or a speaking engagement or maybe even bring an AudienceGame demo to your next event. I'm pretty open if you have other ideas!
So if you have any contacts at United and think you can help, I'd be very appreciative! And so would Sydney! I'm scheduled to leave on the 15th of September, so I kinda' need a quick favor if you can help! Feel free to contact me directly at [email protected] if you have any questions or need any additional information.
I'm counting on you!