I've been going through lots of old files -- way too many -- and I've been running across the materials we put together when we first started BEL. Doesn't sound all that radical today, but 6+ years ago when we started, it was! Always like the visual image of advertising as the language of the hunt. So take a look at this mash-up of some of our previous language and let me know what you think. Still as necessary & important today as it was 6 years ago?
About the Brand Experience Lab
The Brand Experience Lab (BEL) is a new marketing and communications resources company. New, as in its establishment…new, as in its approach to consumer franchise development via communication…new, as in its commitment to experience marketing as a key to brand building…new, as in its use of emerging technologies for marketing and communications…new, as in the development of technology solutions to meet client needs.
It’s not just a cliché, it is a new world. The changes in the advertising world are like no other time in history. Never before have we been able to reach an audience in so many ways and places and never before has the audience had the power to turn off that advertisement in so many ways.
Listen to the language of advertising agencies, it sounds like they’re on a hunt. They look to capture audiences everywhere and claim that as success.
It’s time for a new language. One that speaks for the times and has learned from many years of experience.
A language of relevance, authenticity and transformation.
What does the Brand Experience Lab provide? Everything about advertising is used to drive people to a place where the transaction occurs and that is the one place that advertising has no control. BEL creates the compelling experiences that ARE transactions. We’re the connection place between advertising and transactions and not a single agency in the country is playing in that space. That is our unique selling proposition.
“Explore the Possible – Deliver the Practical”
The Brand Experience Lab believes that the key to brand building and brand loyalty involves developing a relationship the consumer. We seek to provide your brand, your service, and your business with the ability to entertain, engage, and involve your target audience by creating compelling and authentic brand experiences.
We believe that generating this engaging experience can be accomplished through an in-depth understanding of the brand’s objective and its’ consumer, using BEL’s creative and innovative experience marketing techniques.
We also believe – and what sets us apart from all others – is that carefully applied new/emerging technologies that are purposively exploited, can capture the consumers’ attention, engaging them within the experience and successfully create a powerful relationship.
We believe that this experience marketing can be accomplished through an in depth understanding of the brand’s objective and its consumer using creative and innovative experience marketing techniques.
The mission of the Brand Experience Lab is to:
Techno Marketing
BEL believes that the use of emerging technologies to build brands is a means not an end. Whether the technology is already available or needs to be developed or customized, we provide brand and marketing related solutions – to inform, to entertain, to build a relationship.
Agencies and clients must be conversant in brand experiences and brand experience technologies in order to maintain their relevance to their audience, their market share and their revenue streams. The Brand Experience Lab can provide the tools to be conversant.
With all of the major changes taking place in our world, you need a window into the trends that may not be impacting you this very minute, but will shape your future. The Brand Experience Lab is your window, tapping into a vast network of partners to better understand the possibilities of the future.
Today, as more and more technologies are being added to the digital world, are you preparing to take advantage of the next revolution? We now know that the Internet was only the tip of the iceberg of the interactive revolution and that the changes of the future will be even faster and more challenging then they are today. It is estimated that by 2003, 80% of all Internet traffic will be from net appliance to net appliance. Are you ready for those changes? Are you planning now to take advantage of an exciting array of new interactive technologies, from wireless, to agents/bots to truly interactive TV? And more importantly, do you have a partner who can bring those and many other technologies to bear in your marketing, branding and brand experiences processes?
Why is this important?
This critical understanding of next generation tools and tactics creates an ability to capture mind and market share. In today’s very competitive environment, innovative thinking creates a tangible and marketable point of differentiation.
“Take the obvious, add a cupful of brains, a generous pinch of imagination, a bucketful of courage and daring, stir well and bring to a boil.” – Bernard Baruch
“Creativity often consists of merely turning up what is already done. Did you know that right and left shoes were thought up only a little more than a century ago?” -Bernice Fitz-Gibbon, Director of Advertising, Macy’s department stores
“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” – Will Rogers
It was once thought that marketing communications campaigns could serve as the differentiating factor in this commodity marketplace. However, negative perceptions about advertising and marketing are increasing substantially, and savvy audiences are more and more likely to opt out, tune out, and turn off messages deemed inauthentic or sales-oriented.
So, if traditional marketing communications is perceived as ineffective, what will set your brand apart in the marketplace? What do consumers respond to? How do you ignite their passion and inspire loyalty, now and into the future?
Look at your advertising and marketing programs and ask yourself; are you telling a great story?
Brand Experience Lab believes the key to breaking through is simple: