Had a couple of quick thoughts lately and thought I would share them with you.
It's 2008 folks, put contact information on your web site! I can't tell you how many times I'm looking for basic contact information and it's either buried or non-existent. The web is clearly a key 1st point of contact with your audience and you shouldn't make it so hard for me to figure out how to get in touch with you. While everyone loves to talk about creating viral videos and UGC and getting onto youtube, but sometimes I do just want to see your commercial again. If you think your commercials are good enough for TV, put them other places where I can see them. Again, sometimes they're on your web site, but buried so far down that no one has the patience to find them. A simple link on your home page to a youtube channel with your videos would help a whole lot. I know everyone swears consumer hate commercials, but sometimes we want to see a commercial again. Make it easy for us! In the same vein, and I may be the only one who feels this way, but I wish that the web sites for TV shows included a link to the commercials that run on the show. Again, you keep telling me how relevant these commercials are to me as a viewer, so why not let me find them no matter where I find the content. I'm not talking about blasting the commercials everywhere, but a simple link to advertisers would probably have value for everyone involved.
So there's a couple of quick takes for the day. Beautiful day here in NYC and I may take a walk and see what's new in the 'hood!