During my presentations, I talk about how the importance of clean bathrooms increased dramatically when Sydney was born. And maybe two years ago, Link: C.B. Whittemore, Stephanie Weaver and Susan Abbott started the Bathroom Blogfest to share thoughts on the importance of clean bathrooms in the overall experience. Too many companies think that the experience ends when you start to walk down that hallway to the bathroom. It's also amazing how many companies don't really provide a good bathroom experience for their employees either. It's the little things people!
So add your thoughts to the blogfest. Tell them about your favorite or least favorite bathrooms and how they've impacted your overall experience!
A blogfest to celebrate the customer experience. For 2008, The Bathroom Blogfest is about Cleaning Up Forgotten Spaces All Around Us.
Join 20 women bloggers who have committed to the Bathroom Blogfest '08 taking place next week.
Post to your Blog, Flickr, Twitter, go mobile or suggest a new social media platform with material relating to this Blogfest, during the event timeframe. Include the event logo, and use #ladiesrooms08.
Rules: you must publish at least one post about bathrooms and/or forgotten spaces during the Blogfest timeframe. Add the tag above and the logo, too.
To benefit all those partiicpating with link love, each post should include - with the event logo - a list of those participating.
Consider a google alert and commenting on the amazing range of customer experience observations that Bathroom Blogfest '08 - Cleaning Up Forgotten Spaces Around Us is guaranteed to generate!
Add your voice to this terrific event. Let everyone you know about it and invite them to consider the customer experience and all of those forgotten spaces that need cleaning up, including the bathrooms.
Any questions, let me know.
Thanks and Happy Bathroom Blogfest 2008!
Stephanie, Susan and CB
Link: Welcome to Bathroom Blogfest.
Link: Facebook | The 2008 Bathroom Blogfest - Cleaning Up Forgotten Spaces All Around Us.
David, thank you for adding your perspective to the Bathroom Blogfest '08! I appreciate your getting the word out so we can all call attention to the consumer experience. Best, CB
Posted by: C.B. Whittemore | October 25, 2008 at 02:09 PM
David, Welcome to the blogfest. I'm so thrilled to learn about your blog - you might have just earned a faithful reader through your participation with all of us on this crazy, yet vitally important, mission this week!
Posted by: Marianna Hayes | October 28, 2008 at 10:43 AM
Hey David - you are so right that Dad's perspectives on bathrooms changes a lot when children enter the picture. On this and so many other things!
Thanks for waving the blogfest flag. My compadres are doing the heavy lifting this year, I'm mostly smiling from afar.
Great blog, as always.
Posted by: Susan Abbott | October 31, 2008 at 10:05 AM