Eric H. Holder Jr., most-powerful-man-on-the-plant-elect-Obama's choice for Attorney General, lost no time in showing the nation he will not tolerate slackers at any level when he announced a suit against John Gaffney, a well-known freelance journalist and father of two. The suit, filed in Connecticut District's Second Circuit, alleges that Mr. Gaffney has failed to "appropriately stimulate the local economy of his hometown of Madison, CT by cutting back on discretionary purchases and shopping at discount stores."
"If we are ever to get this nation back on its economic feet, we need consumers to step up and do their part," Mr. Holder might have told, say, The New York Times--but probably didn't, since he has yet to actually become the AG. "We can't allow guys like Gaffney to skip over well-known, heavily marketed brands in favor of generics and store brands. He has to understand there is a ripple effect of his decisions that impacts not just manufacturers, but retailers, advertising agencies, media and ultimately the effective CPM of online impressions. We cannot let this stand."
MediaPost Publications - Gaffney Singlehandedly Sends Nation Into Recession - 11/21/2008.