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December 16, 2008


Nimesh Shah

Hi David,

I too agree with the prediction of bringing ME back in customer.

I have written my 10 predictions for 2009.

Have a look and let me know what you think about it




Beth Harte

"...we think that as the economy heads even further south, our desperation will mess up social media even more. Because we don't really know how to engage the audience on a long term basis. We know how to create a campaign that runs for x amount of time. In this new world, we have to engage the audience each and every day -- forever!"

I hate to think this is true, but I tend to agree with you. My prediction for 2009 was:

In 2009 companies will begin implementing social media, but with a traditional marketing mindset. Meaning, they will start to embrace the tools but will do as one-way communication because it’s what they are most comfortable with. (While this type of implementation might draw scrutiny from some, I believe it’s a step in the right direction.)

What I mean by a step in the right direction is that they have to start somewhere. And by doing so, they will hopefully learn quickly (if they are smart & due to feedback from their customers/community) how to implement social media and conversation in a fashion that will be accepted by their community (i.e. customers/prospects/employees/etc.).

The fact is what works for one community, might not work for another. And as social media consultants/managers/etc. we need to recognize that. Time will tell for sure!

A thought provoking post David!

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