Xerox Chairman and CEO Anne Mulcahy will discuss the extraordinary explosion in information media and content. One mind-bending example: the information created last year is equivalent to three million times all the books ever written. This information explosion presents both enormous challenges for marketers, but also amazing opportunities. Getting personalized information to the right person at the right time with the right content is more important than ever. Fortunately, it is also easier and more affordable then ever.
Larry Grisolano will discuss the marketing communication strategy and planning that drove the groundbreaking success of the Obama Campaign and share important key learning for marketers.
Stephen Quinn will discuss the renewed pertinence of marketing's oldest medium.
Senior marketing leaders from different industries will present mini-cases focusing on the strategic approach to implementing totally integrated brand and customer experience. Mr. Fasulo will then moderate a roundtable discussion on key lessons learned in building an integrated strategy.
So take a look at the full schedule and the list of speakers and get yourself out of the cold weather to head down to Orlando for the program. There's a lot going on over the course of the program, including the Digital Marketing Lab, which will take place all day on Monday.
Mplanet is an unparalleled concentration of marketing knowledge and business connections, brought together by the American Marketing Association and its partners: Bain & Company and the Wharton School of Business. Mplanet is a one-of-a-kind forum where B2B and B2C marketing leaders and luminaries will share the latest marketing thinking, ideas, innovations and their visions for tomorrow. Plus they'll offer field-tested strategies and proven solutions that you can take away and put to use.Mplanet is a totally unique and inspiring environment—a sort of "un-conference" with engaging program formats, topic specific groups, highly interactive sessions and an invaluable Mplanet support network that will keep the conversation and connections going long after the event itself. You'll leave empowered to be a more effective marketer, with greater knowledge and resources to help achieve you and your organization's goals.
Discover more about the challenges and opportunities Mplanet will address and the benefits of attending.