Our friends at Metaio have done some very cool things with augmented reality, including the Mini print campaign last year. They just sent over this cool video of work that they're doing for Lego, kiosks that will let you see 3D models of the completed Lego toy. AR's been recently used by GE and Living Sasquatch and we're only at the beginning. As AR gets more common, especially as it gets added to cell phones, we will start to see some really exciting applications. Mark my word, when Sydney, who is 8 now, is in high school, she'll be using AR in some form every day. For brands, the ability to combine the real world with the virtual is an untapped area of creativity. It will come with real challenges, like creating content that people will want. While there's a novelty factor right now, people will expect a lot more in the future. The experiences that we create will have to have a lot more entertainment or utility value, but if they're just marketing pitches, people won't do them.
If you haven't experienced AR yet, drop me an e-mail and i'll bring some demos to you.