Interesting conversation about how agencies are playing more and more with creating their own IP and products. Ben Malbon from the BBH Labs is talking about the lessons they learned with their ready-to-eat vegetarian meal programs. For example, they did not have a window in the package that that's something that the consumer really looks for.
Carl Johnson (Anomaly) is talking about how it is critical to work collaboratively on these projects and that you need to let the best idea be the run that runs. He's also talking about how by creating their own products, they bring a different set of skills to their clients. They now have a much better understanding of the client needs and it gives them much better credibility to their clients as well. Nice to hear all of the panelists agree on this point.
If you're creating your own IP, you need to be prepared to know where you need help and be bring in the resources to be successful.
Good session.
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