Kevin opened his presentation talking about a woman who is married to the Berlin Wall and believes that all objects are living beings and have a soul. Interesting take about Webkinz and how things we live in two realms, the real & the virtual and where objects demand respect. Showing a project called Botanicalls , where your plants can call you when they need water. Or Nike+, where your sneakers are also part of the network and they can communicate with you. Or a ball that knows who's catching it, how long it's been in the air, etc. Talking about the Kogi taco truck out in LA which has been a huge hit! They send out a tweet to let you know where they are.
The Kim Possible game that you play at EPCOT Center, where you control the environment as you play the game through a cell phone.
513-381-JERK, a number in a stadium that you can text to when someone is a jerk, a whole company build around this.
Jryi Engestrom - social objects, people congregate about objects online, like photos, what happens when real objects do that?
Kevin always really brings great examples like:
Another good session. Looking forward to having the chance to work with Kevin in the future!
TALK: THIS PLATFORM CALLED EVERYDAY LIFE Like wildlife, viruses, and gold, mobile technologies don't recognize boundaries - least of all the ones we're using to distinguish "digital" from "real". Kevin Slavin (Area/Code) reveals the latest trends driven by mobile technology.