Just getting started at the Picnic Salon here at the New Museum and right now, they're having some internet issues. Thankfully, I've got my trusty Nokia 9500, so I'll still get some posts up during the day.We're getting an overview of our topics right now and seeing some cool demos of real time, location based programs. One was www.mynameise.com which I think I've covered before. But I'll certainly get some more info since the creator is here. Also just saw some cool demos of real time, motion-controlled editing experiences call SenS IV. Once I get back online, I'll include links and videos of each of the experiences.
I'm really looking forward to the discussion about how these emerging technologies, including augmented reality, RFID, etc., can fundementally change how we interact with the world around us. Patrick Morehead and I touched on some of the issues of ubiqitious computing suring our session at SXSW and I'll get that up online as well.
http://personal-kyoto.org allows you to access your ConEd account and then learn how you can better use your energy consumption. You can go to http://eyebeam.org/research/sustainability to learn more about the work that they're doing to explore how to create a more sustainable city. Eyebeam is doing some cool work in a variety of tech areas and they're well worth some time on their web site if you don't know them already. Really like their work at windowfarms.org, to show folks in an urban environment can grow their own food.
Getting ready to now break down into our groups and I'll cover those sessions later.
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