- Trend One: Design in the future may be more conservative, understated, and non-flamboyant.
- Trend Two: Green design itself may be increasingly challenged as capital dollars get tight, for we all know that green often costs more initially.
- Trend Three: Another trend will be that more than ever we need to get into the heads of our clients.
- Trend Four: When the world rights itself again, audiences will have reevaluated their priorities in terms of leisure.
- Trend Five: In a global world the opportunities for experiential design are much larger and much different than they once were.
- Trend Six: I believe that it is inevitable that design firms and studios will be smaller after this economic crisis has passed.
I particularly like how he ends the piece, Jack is always an incredible optimist. But his company has done well through all kinds of economic times, so that outlook must pay off.
Yes, I am 100-percent certain that what is currently happening on Wall Street and on the global scene will fundamentally change the way we do business—perhaps forever. I think it has to, for it will certainly change the way our clients think and the way they do business. This isn’t all bad in the long-term perhaps. In some ways it will be a bit cathartic. I’ve lived through catharsis before, and painful though it may have been, looking back I can honestly say that I and “we” emerged better for it.We all live in a world of creativity and innovation. That spirit of creativity and innovation will be essential as we sustain ourselves and reinvent ourselves for the next cycle.
Do yourself a solid and take the time to read the full article. It'll be time well spent!